I just finished reading The Gift: A Survivor’s Journey to Freedom by Dr. Edith Eger. This is a fantastic book and I plan to also read “The Choice,” another book she wrote. She survived the holocaust and went on to become a psychologist, write books, and speak all over the world. I have included her website for more information and a list of some great quotes by Dr. Eger.
Quotes by Dr. Edith Eger:
1. “It is a universal experience for life not to turn as we want or expect.”
2. “When we say ‘I can’t’ what we’re really saying is ‘I won’t.’”
3. “Hope isn’t a distraction from darkness. It’s a confrontation with darkness.”
4. “Hope is the boldest act of imagination I know.”
5. “Conflict is human. When we avoid conflict we’re actually moving closer to tyranny than to peace.”
6. “You can’t heal what you don’t feel.”
7. “The opposite of depression is expression. What comes out of you doesn’t make you sick; what stays in there does.”
8. “I’m all for positive thinking, but it goes nowhere unless it’s followed by positive action.”
9. “It helps when we can meet others as they are, not as we expect them to be”
10. “I’m very selective about who’s going to get my anger, because when I’m angry, I’m the one who suffers.”