Critical Validation Studies of Neurofeedback

Neurofeedback Study: Critical Validation Studies of Neurofeedback By Gruzelier J. and Egner T.


Division of Neuroscience and Psychological Medicine, Imperial College London, St. Dunstan’s Road, London W6 8RF, United Kingdom.


“The field of neurofeedback training has proceeded largely without validation. In this article the authors review studies directed at validating sensory motor rhythm, beta and alpha-theta protocols for improving attention, memory, and music performance in healthy participants. Importantly, benefits were demonstrable with cognitive and neurophysiologic measures that were predicted on the basis of regression models of learning to enhance sensory motor rhythm and beta activity. The first evidence of operant control over the alpha-theta ratio is provided, together with remarkable improvements in artistic aspects of music performance equivalent to two class grades in conservatory students. These are initial steps in providing a much needed scientific basis to neurofeedback.”

Click the link below to view the full study.
