I wanted to share this article about teenagers and the increased risk of suicide due to COVID. The article is called, “A Teenager was a Suicide Risk – and Then the Pandemic Happened” by Jason Cherkis at The Guardian. Please click the link below to see the full article.
“In a national survey of parents, 46% said they noticed a decline in their teenager’s mental health. Roughly a third of teen girls and a fifth of teen boys had increased symptoms of depression, poor sleep and withdrawing from family. The pandemic further coincided with a time of national upheaval and instability. Systemic problems like racial injustice and financial precarity can increase stress at home, all at a time when kids have nowhere to go, explained Jeffrey Bridge, director of the Center for Suicide Prevention and Research at Nationwide Children’s Hospital.”
A Teenager was a Suicide Risk – and Then the Pandemic Happened” by Jason Cherkis at The Guardian