I wanted to provide some links about porn and how some research has found that it changes the brain. As I have written about in previous blogs, the role of dopamine is huge concerning addictions. Dopamine is the feel good chemical in your brain that can create a dependency dependency to just about anything. This may include exercise, drugs and alcohol, work, obsessively looking at your phone screen, etc. Most people are addicted to something and porn is included. It is really all the same when looking at the brain chemistry. It only becomes more complicated when porn begins to be viewed by a child at a very young age.
Some research suggests that porn not only changes the brain, but it can have lasting impact on personal relationships. Some research suggests that the increase in viewing of porn has led people to feel less desire to be in partnerships. There is so much research out there that says that porn can change the brain, and others that prove otherwise. Regardless, maybe understanding brain chemistry, and the role of dopamine, will also help reduce some of the shame that also comes with the use of porn, especially those who began watching it at a young age. Additionally, sometimes porn becomes a “secret” within a marriage or relationship due to the shame or negative feels that may surface confiding in one’s partner about how much time is spent using porn. This is where seeking support can help.
When I look at addiction, I also examine brain chemistry, attachment, and what leads people to develop certain behaviors. What causes us to disconnect, and to look outside ourselves. Gabor Maté does an excellent job discussing the cause of addiction. His information can be found on a previous blog. Please see the links below for more information.
Porn and The Brain
Watching Pornography Rewires the Brain to a More Juvenile State
Porn and Relationships
Researchers Explore Pornography’s Effect On Long-Term Relationships – Hidden Brain