Scared Selfless – Michelle Stevens, PhD

This is an amazing book that a colleague recommended. It is called Scared Selfless: My Journey from Abuse and Madness to Surviving and Thriving, a memoir by Michelle Stevens, PhD. Dr. Stevens discusses trauma, PTSD, Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) and so much more. Please check out this fantastic book. Dr. Stevens writes about her extensive abuse and may be very triggering to read. Pace yourself, go slow, and it might be beneficial to have a trusted professional supporting your healing process as it may trigger your own trauma. 

Articles & Information

Vanity Fair- How Michelle Stevens Survived Horrific Childhood Abuse to Write Her Story

Locked in Cage and Sexually Abused as a Girl: How Michelle Stevens Overcame Panic Attacks and Multiple Personalities

For more information please see her youtube interviews with Oprah and Dr. Phil.